Glavgosexpertiza (Russia's Main Department of State Expertise) says it has considered and approved the design documentation and engineering survey results for construction of a tank for light oil products at the terminal of stevedoring company IPP, Ltd (a company of NCSP Group).
The terminal of IPP located in the port of Novorossiysk specializes in handling of oil products, liquid mineral fertilizers and vegetable oils. Liquid bulk cargo delivered to the port by railway and road transport is transshipped onto vessels at NCSP berths. The terminal is also used for cargo storage in tanks.
The project foresees the construction of a tank for light oil products to accept, store and transship light oil products onto seaborne transport.
РВС No 19 of 1,000 cbm in capacity will be placed within the existing storage tank farm square near the diesel fuel tank No 11 and will be connected to the technological system of the tank farm.
The project envisages the construction of a new wall will be built between the existing tank (No 10) and the new terminal (No19), shifting of utility networks and laying of additional ones.
The designer is GrandExpertEngineering LLC.