On 23 December 2021, Okskaya Sudoverf shipyard held a keel-laying ceremony for two 520-dwt bunkering tankers / bilge water removing ships of Project RST38, says press center of Marine Engineering Bureau, the ship designer.
The ships ordered by FSUE Rosmorport are to operate in the water areas of Vanino and Sovetskaya Gavan ports which are within responsibility of Rosmorport’s Vanino Branch and in the water area of the North-West Basin Branch.
Ships of RST38 design are intended for collection, settlement, separation and disposal of bilge water. Additionally equipped ships can be used as auxiliary transport for delivery of OSR facilities to oil spill areas.
RST38 ships’ particulars: LOA – 49.21 m; LBP – 45.00 m; BOA – 8.82 m; breadth – 8.40 m; depth – 4.40 m; draught at the summer load waterline – 3.0 m; speed – 9.0 knots; endurance - 10 days, ice class - Ice 3, crew - 6.
RS class notation: КМ Ice 3 (hull; machinery) R3-RSN AUT3 A-Thruster(M) Bilge water removing ship.
The lead and the first serial ships laid down on 23 December 2021.