Impact Subsea has launched the third generation of seaView software to support their range of Altimeters, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, Depth Sensors and Sonars.
seaView V3 provides a cutting-edge user interface for the setup and operation of Impact Subsea sensors. The launch of seaView V3 is accompanied by the release of a third generation of sensor firmware.
V3 is an entirely new software development and intends to provide a powerful platform for existing Impact Subsea sensors and future sensor developments.
Commenting on the launch, Alastair Mclennan-Murray, Technical Director of Impact Subsea, stated ‘To support our existing and new generation of underwater sensors, we have redeveloped seaView together with our sensor firmware from the ground up. This provides new capabilities to the user and a strong software and firmware base for future product development’.
V3 allows a single or multiple Impact Subsea sensors to operate simultaneously from a single application. This is ideal for operations with a single sensor to ROV operations where Sonar, Altitude, Depth, Heading, Pitch & Roll can all be displayed on screen at the same time.