Marine Recruiting Agency LLC (MRA) announces this season’s first Small Craft Navigation course with the programme to start on 12 May 2022. The course participants will master operation of small-size crafts, boats and water scooters.
The theory classes will be held online in the form of a webinar with the practical part to be held onboard in the training water area of a yacht club in the Gulf of Finland.
Upon completion of the course, the trainees hold a knowledge examination at State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (SISV). Those aged 18 and up are allowed to take the examinations upon providing a medical fitness certificate. The course leavers obtain a state licence for operation of small-size crafts, boats and water scooters in Russia:
- in the territorial sea and inland waters of the Russian Federation regulated by the international rules for preventing collisions at sea;
- at inland water ways regulated by the rules for IWW navigation;
- at non-navigational inland water bodies.
Before sitting a SISV test, the trainees can pass a trial test at the Training Center of MRA.
Detailed information about the course and registration is available on the company’s website. Applications can be submitted by email: or by telephone: +7 (812) 714-95-60 extension number 5602 or +7 (921) 309-75-15, from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. on weekdays.