In 2022, sales of bunker fuel at the port of Vladivostok and its offshore terminals totaled 566.5 thousand tonnes, down 23% versus 2021, according to IAA PortNews’ Analytical Department.
About 2/3 of this volume was sold at the offshore terminals (eastern, western and internal ones), with the rest sold at the port. In the reporting period, heavy fuel oil accounted for the bulk of sales. Shipments of lubes totaled 150 tonnes.
The number of bunker operations rose to 3,459.
In 2021, sales of bunker fuel at the port of Vladivostok and its offshore terminals totaled about 739,500 tonnes, down 24% YoY.
Read more in IAA PortNews’ Bunker Market Digest which offers detailed bunker indications at major ports of Russia.
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Related link:
Bunker sales at Vladivostok port in H1’2022 fell by 25% YoY>>>>