The KSK grain volume account for 30% of all Black Sea basin terminals handling grain exports
According to the results of the 2022/2023 grain season, the KSK grain terminal (part of DeloPorts, the stevedoring holding of Delo Group) handled 7.6 million tonnes of export grain, which is 46% more than the previous season, the Group’s press service said.
The KSK terminal is a leading stevedore among other terminals operating in the Black Sea basin, since its share has reached 30% of the commodity total volume. The record monthly volume of grain exports was in March 2023, when the KSK handled 801,500 tonnes.
Delo Group has invested more than RUB 9 billion in the development of a grain terminal created from scratch. On behalf of the Chairman of the Delo Group’s Board Sergey Shishkarev, the Group continues to expand the facility's capacity and upgrade machinery and equipment to ensure the growing volumes of grain exports.
Delo Group began grain exports handling at the Novorossiysk KSK terminal back in 2007. The terminal features unique infrastructure that enables the stevedore to handle a broad range of dry bulk, break-bulk and Ro-Ro cargo. Vessels are received and handled at three quays, including the deepest one in the Azov-Black Sea basin, which can accommodate 100dwt vessels with a draft of up to 15.9 m. The terminal has its own certified lab, whose specialists check the quality of grain for subsequent export.
DeloPorts is a holding company that owns and operates stevedore assets of Delo Group in the port of Novorossiysk. DeloPorts consolidates NUTEP Container Terminal, KSK Grain Terminal and Delo Service Company. In 2022, KSK Grain Terminal handled a record 5.97 million tonnes of grain (+24.2% compared to 2021), NUTEP handled 582.5 thousand TEU (+6.8%, year-on-year).
Delo Group is Russian transportation and logistics holding, operating its own fleet and managing sea container terminals in the Azov-Black Sea, Baltic and Far Eastern basins, a network of railway container terminals, a fleet of containers and fitting platforms. The parent company of the Group is Delo Management Company. The Group's stevedoring business includes DeloPorts holding and Global Ports, a leading container terminal operator. The transport and logistics business of the Group is made up of the multimodal transport operator Ruscon and the intermodal container operator TransContainer. The shipping business is represented by Sakhalin Shipping Company (SASCO).