Investments in Rosmorport’s ship repair base in the port of Ust-Luga is estimated at RUB 4 billion, Aleksandr Kazarosyan, Advisor to the Director of Rosmorport’s North-West Basin branch, said at the at 2nd Ship Repair, Modernization and Components Conference organized by PortNews Media Group and held in Saint-Petersburg yesterday.
According to the speaker, the project on creation of the support fleet base initially foresaw the creation workshiops for repairing the company’s ships. However, now it is planned to stablished a full scale ship repair facility able to repair the fleets of other companies.
According to the calculations, RUB 2.5 billion is needed for the construction of a dock, RUB 0.8 billion – for the construction of buildings, facilities and building sites, RUB 0.7 billion – for the purchase of ship repair equipment and machinery. The company is to become fully operational in 2027.
The project is to implemented by a joint venture with an investor. The design parameters of the dock are as follows: length — 180 m, height — 33 m, pontoon deck submersion depth — about 9 m. Taking into account the height of pontoons, the total depth of the facility is to make 14-16 m, capacity — 10 thousand tonnes.