2008 June 6   06:55

DNV: switch to LNG!

“A SHIFT from traditional fuels to natural gas is necessary if the shipping industry is to meet expectations of substantial reductions in CO2 emissions,” DNV chief operating officer Tor Svensen told a press conference at Posidonia this week.

Mr Svensen's comments came as DNV presented elements of a road map for how the shipping industry can reduce its CO2 emissions. “Only a common effort of the industry can keep regulators from imposing damaging new requirements on shipping to achieve environmental improvements,” he said.

Mr Svensen did emphasise that shipping is the most energy efficient means of transportation. “Shipping is part of the solution. By moving more cargo from air or trucks and even rail to ships, the overall emissions will be reduced,” he said.

Nevertheless he warned: “The shipping industry needs to establish ambitious targets for its CO2 emissions. Shipping will face tough expectations of emission reductions, in line with all other industries. At DNV, we believe that CO2 emissions can be reduced by as much as 30–50% by actions taken on existing vessels and for newbuildings prior to 2030.” The main elements of such reductions, according to DNV, would be operational improvements, including weather routing, the optimisation of energy consumption and close cooperation between charterers and owners. Logistic improvements to vessels and ports and, not least, speed optimisation can also contribute to emission reductions. The same is true for improvements to engines, propellers, hulls and coatings.

Towards 2050, the Norwegian-based classification society believes, emissions can be reduced by as much as 50–70% “provided there is a real commitment by all the major players in the industry”.

“The introduction of non-carbon-based fuel is likely to be the crucial factor determining whether shipping ultimately manages to substantially reduce its CO2 emissions,” said Mr Svensen.

Replacing carbon-based fuel with other sources of energy requires investments in R&D now, including in wave and wind power, solar panels, sustainable biofuels, fuel cells and nuclear energy. Radically new technologies, not known today, will DNV says play an important part in reaching the target of 50–70% emission reductions by 2050.

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