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2008 June 10   07:33

China Merchants to shift focus to Chongqing-based logistics business

CHINA Merchants Group vice president Hu Zheng divulged at a recent Chongqing global sourcing fair that his company would now shift focus on third party logistics with a view of developing its location as a hub for the east-west services.
Mr Hu disclosed that the group is to make heavier investments on Chongqing and expressed interest to set its foot in the development of the Chongqing Bonded Port Area.
China Merchants has had 30,000 square metres' logistics warehousing space in the Chongqing Economic and Technology Development Zone and phase 2 facilities, which will raise the total space to over 60,000 square metres, are now under construction, he said.
China Merchants also plans to spend CNY600 to 700 million (US$86.5 to 100.9 million) on several distribution centres covering an aggregate area of about 50 hectares and spend CNY200 to 300 billion on a chemical logistics facility in the city to expand its network coverage in the hinterland region.
Mr Hu said China Merchants is very confident about the prospect of the logistics of Chongqing, which is an important and populous manufacturing hub in southwest China.
He said China Merchants plans to develop fast distribution service between Chongqing and Sichuan province taking advantage of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway. In the meanwhile, the group hopes to develop a network eastwards to cover Wuhan, Hefei, Nanjing and Shanghai.
Mr Hu also divulged that China Merchants has taken part in the planning and design of the Chongqing Bonded Port Area, which is China's first bonded area at river port, and hopes the plan can receive approval from the state government soon.

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