Cargo throughput at Latvian ports in the third quarter 2012 totaled 17.7 million tons, a 7.2-percent gain year-on-year, the Baltic Course reports citing the country's Central Statistical Bureau.
Increases were recorded in the volumes of cargo loaded and unloaded. The volume of cargo loaded grew 7.6%, whereas the volume of cargo unloaded – 4.3%, reports LETA/
Oil products (33.1%) and coal (33.1%) formed the highest share of the cargo loaded, whereas the largest share of cargo unloaded was comprised by cargo in containers (23.9%), roll on/roll off cargo (17.6%), and oil products (14.3%).
Nevertheless, stable growth in cargo turnover was observed at all large and small Latvian ports. The most notable increase was recorded at the Port of Liepaja – 1.6 times. In comparison with the corresponding time period of the previous year, general cargo turnover at the Port of Liepaja grew significantly – 1.8 times, of which roll on/roll off cargo turnover – 2.1 times, whereas the turnover of ferrous metals and articles thereof rose 6.7 times. Bulk cargo turnover rose 1.6 times, of which cereals and cereal products – 2.1 times.
Cargo turnover at the Freeport of Ventspils reached 7 million tons in the third quarter of 2012, 4.3% more than in the third quarter of 2011. The volume of cargo loaded increased 7.4% and comprised 6.5 million tons. Data show that a decrease in cargo loaded (25.4%) was recorded only at the Freeport of Ventspils.
In comparison with the third quarter of 2011, cargo turnover at the Freeport of Riga increased 3% and reached 8.6 million tons in the third quarter of 2011. 7.2 million tons of cargo were loaded – a 0.8% increase, whereas 1.4 million tons or 16.2% more was unloaded, compared to July-September 2011.
Cargo turnover at Latvia's small ports constituted 0.3 million tons in the third quarter of 2012 – 7.6% less than in the third quarter of 2011.
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