The project on construction of a dry cargo district in the port of Taman (Krasnodar Territory) has successfully undergone the environmental expertise. PortNews IAA journalist got this information from Deputy Transport Minister Victor Olerski at the meeting of RosMorRechFlot (Federal Marine and River Transport Agency) Council in Moscow.
According to Victor Olerski, there is a draft decree of the RF Government which is to help overcome non-compliance with the legislation which came out in the process of the project elaboration.
“I want to emphasize that it is the first project of its kind – we have never had such projects before. Nevertheless, we are gradually nearing the beginning of its implementation and in the nearest future the project will be submitted to the Glavgosexpertiza (state expert evaluation authority) while the project has already obtained the ecological approval. The task for 2013 is to commence the construction, the procedures of concessive tenders and the selection of investors,” said the Deputy Transport Minister.
New dry cargo district in the port of Taman is to be built at Taman peninsula (Krasnodar Territory) through the private-public partnership (PPP). The port will be integrated into the system of the North-South international transport corridor. Federal Target Program "Development of Transport System of Russia, 2010 – 2015" is the background for the construction.
The following facilities are planned to be built within the framework of the project: marine container terminals, terminals for transshipment of coal, grain, iron-ore concentrate, mineral fertilizers; hydraulic engineering facilities (approach canal, external protection structures, berths for transshipment complexes and service fleet); rail / highway / engineering infrastructure facilities.
By 2020, the new dry cargo district in the port of Taman is expected to handle 93.8 mln tons of cargo per year.