Norway's Simon Møksters has signed a new contract with Astilleros Gondan for building of a sister vessel to the Platform Supply Vessel presently under construction at same yard. It is of UT-776 WP design and is equipped for operation in Northern areas, the Company said in a press release.
In addition, the new vessel shall have FIFI-II and Winterization Cold class notations. The vessel shall have Unified Bridge, NOFO, Standby and all other equipment that the sister vessel has. Simon Møkster also has an option for building the vessel according to NOFO 2014. The vessel will be delivered in January 2016. The company is very pleased to enter a new contract with Gondan for a supply vessel constructed in line with the Company’s strategy of focusing on environmental friendly and advanced PSVs in cold areas.
Ship's particulars: NOTATION: DNV +1A1, E0, SF, Offshore Service Vessel Supply, DK(+), HL(2.8), LFL*, DYNPOS AUTR, CLEAN DESIGN, COMF-V(2), NAUT-OSV(A), OILREC, BWM-T, STANDBY-VESSEL (150), Winterization Cold , ICE 1C, FIFI II.
LOA: 93m; LPP: 82.6m; Breadth: 20m; Accomodation: 25 persons
Simon Møkster Shipping AS is a supplier of modern offshore support vessels with high quality specifications, designed for operations in harsh weather conditions.The company's head office is located in Stavanger, Norway and main operational area is the North- and the Barents Sea. Møkster has a fleet of 23 vessels and approximately 550 employees onshore and offshore. Simon Møkster Shipping is 100% owned by the Møkster family.