Draft resolution of the Russian Government "On Approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Transport System” (revised) has been submitted for public hearings, the official federal executive bodies website said.
State program of the Russian Federation "Development of Transport System" was approved by the Russian Government, April 15, 2014 № 319. The program is to be confirmed annually on the basis of the federal law on the federal budget for the next fiscal year and planning period, taking into account the corrected macroeconomic parameters of social and economic development of the Russian Federation.
The funds allocated for the state program were brought in line with the parameters of the Federal Law, December 1, 2014 № 384-FZ "On the Federal Budget for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017".
In addition, the program is aligned with the conservative scenario of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030, approved by the Federal Government on June 11, 2014 №1032-p.
The parameters of the transport sector for the period until 2020 are defined in the framework of a common methodology for forecasting, approved by Order of Economic Development of Russia, November 30, 2009 № 492, taking into account the specifics of transport and on the basis of scenarios of the economy.
The forecast is based on an analysis of the transport complex in 2011-2013, its development trends in 2014 and refined conservative scenarios of social and economic development in 2015 and the planning period of 2016-2017, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, 18 September 2014.
The document is available on IAA PortNews >>>>>