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  3. Piling work of new T2 quay wall completed at DCT Gdansk terminal

2015 December 21   09:41

Piling work of new T2 quay wall completed at DCT Gdansk terminal

Piling work of a new T2 quay wall at DCT Gdansk terminal, which started in June 2015, has just been completed. Accoring to the statement of DCT Gdansk, it marks the end of hydrotechnical works at the quay wall and the focus shifting  to land works. Meantime, T2 power supply and sanitary systems are nearing completion. Other important parts of works in execution include crane railbeam and yard surface preparation.

According to the project schedule DCT plans to finish the T2 construction in the second half of 2016. After completing the infrastructure works, DCT will assemble and install the equipment. A new terminal should start its operations by the end of 2016.

With the second berth, the terminal will double its handling capacity up to 3 million TEU annually in the first phase of development, which will allow DCT to join the exclusive club of the largest container terminals in Europe.

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