Russian Northern Fleet's Udaloy class anti-submarine destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov being on a long ocean journey on Dec. 23 completed the passage from Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea through Suez Canal, the Navy press office said.
The passage took a few hours. The main task was to ensure safe maneuvering in heavy traffic. Before the ship approached the channel the main command center, all combat units conducted training for the passage of narrow places and worked out anti-sabotage, counter-terrorism measures.
The destroyer has been on its long voyage since October 23 under the flag of the commander of the compound anti-submarine ships of the Kola Flotilla of the Northern Fleet Capt. 1st Rank Alexander Mashinetsko.
The Vice-Admiral Kulakov has passed more than 12,000nm. During the voyage the crew trained its skills, conducted anti-aircraft and anti-submarine defense drills with the deck-based aircraft.
In early December, the destroyer took part in the international counter-drug exercises "Arabian Monsoon-2015" in the northern part of the Indian Ocean jointly with the Pakistan Navy ships.