The company Luka Koper has exceeded the historical amount of an yearly throughput of 20 million tons already in the middle of this month, as well as this year's plan. The company estimates that it will conclude the business year with a throughput of 20.5 million tonnes.
At its meeting on 18th December the Supervisory Board took note of previous mentioned results and approved the business plan for 2016. It envisages four per cent increase in cargo throughput, which shell reach up to 21.4 million tonnes. The company expects to increase cargo throughput in all commodity groups, especially cars. The container terminal is also expected to grow due to investments in port infrastructure. The majority of planned investments for 2016 of up to 78.9 million will be dedicated to container business. This year, Luka Koper deepen the seabed at the container terminal to 15 meters, ordered new cranes and other machinery and began to build three new tracks and extended the existing two.
The construction of three reservoirs for liquid cargoes will be concluded next year. The Supervisory Board at its last meeting gave the green light also for a new multipurpose closed warehouse on Pier II of 16,000 m2 for the needs of general and dry bulk cargo terminals, and the acquisition of new equipment. The project also includes the upgrade of an existing berth and building of a new one on the south part of pier II, which will serve the need of more terminals (dry bulk, general cargo, timber, cars and liquid cargo). The value of the entire project, which will be implemented gradually until 2022 amounts to 42 million euros and is foreseen in the Business Startegy of the company.