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2016 February 1   09:17

LLC “Sea Recruiting Agency” increased the amount of graduates by 84% in 2015

In 2015 LLC “Sea Recruiting Agency” prepared 2 172 specialists of sea, road constriction and warehouse professions which exceeds by 84% the figure of the last year, says press center of Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg. 1 138 people completed specialized professional development programmes and retraining courses, 371 workers were recertified. 563 graduates received new professions. The most in-demand among students turned to be the following professions: docker, slingsman and fork-lift driver. 

Among trained were also students of port oriented educational establishments who had their production training in SRA at the territory of OJSC “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg”. 60 students of College of State University of Sea and River Fleet named after admiral S.O. Makarov and Saint-Petersburg Sea Fishing College also learned profession of “tallyman”, 26 students of State University of Sea and River Fleet named after admiral S.O. Makarov learned profession of “repairman of handling equipment” and 14 – “electrician for repair and maintenance of handling equipment”.  

LLC “Sea Recruiting Agency” – recruiting company representing interests of transport logistic, construction and other companies of North-Western region in sphere of recruiting, training and provision of temporary personnel. SRA was established in 2001 and is a subsidiary company of OJSC “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg”. Since January 01, 2016 the company has been accredited by Federal Service on Labour and Employment for performing the activities related to provision of personnel. 

Agency has its own Training Centre with all technical means for primary training, re-qualification and advanced training on the basis of various educational programmes.

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