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2016 March 31   17:57

CLdN announces extra weekly Dublin ro-ro sailing to and from Zeebrugge

CLdN ro-ro SA announced the introduction of an extra weekly ro-ro sailing on the service to and from Dublin. “As from Saturday the 19th of March 2016 we will continue to enhance the service not only with increased capacity, but also with an eastbound sailing early in the week to further improve the good spread of sailings throughout the week on both the eastbound and the westbound legs.”, as stated in the company’s press release.
Another Kawasaki Class vessel is deployed on the Ireland route bringing a significant weekly increase in trailer and container capacity on top of almost doubling the current weekly car capacity offered on the route by CLdN. “The move reflects the strength of the Irish market for cars, containers, trailers and all other rolling cargo and will allow the company to continue to support the growth of their customers on this trade.”
“With the extra sailing – which is a combined sailing from Rotterdam via Zeebrugge to Dublin – we now offer four weekly departures from Zeebrugge and four weekly departures from Rotterdam allowing a quicker equipment turn-around with which the company continues to build on its road mile reducing services to Ireland. CLdn have recognized the continuing strength of demand to Ireland and taken steps to meet the requirement of the market.”

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