FSUE Atomflot is looking into extension of the Vaygach and the Taimyr nuclear icebreakers’ lives till the third 60 MW icebreaker of Project 22220 (LK-60) is put into operation, IAA PortNews correspondent cites Vladimir Arutyunyan, Head of FSUE Atomflot’s Headquarters for Maritime Operations, as saying at the international conference “Logistics in the Arctic” in Murmansk.
The LK-60 icebreaker, the first icebreaker of the new generation, is under construction at Baltiysky Zavod. The ship was designed by Central Design Bureau Iceberg in 2009. The lead 60 MW icebreaker of Project 22220 ordered by Atomflot was laid down in November 2013. The icebreaker’s advanced dual-draft capability makes it suitable for operations both in the Arctic waters and in the mouths of the northern rivers. The icebreaker will be operating in the western region of the Arctic: the Barents, Pechora and Kara Seas and in shallow waters of the mouth of the Yenisei and the Ob Bay.
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