Under the RF Government Programme on the change of corporate form, all federal state unitary enterprises (FSUEs) should be reorganized into joint stock companies or state companies by 2018. The decision on reorganization of FSUE Morsviazsputnik has not been made yet, the company told IAA PortNews.
Morsviazsputnik is a national operator of Inmarsat mobile satellite communication system on the territory of the Russian Federation, an international accounting authority with identifying number AAIC=SU-04, the Customer Registration Center.
Morsviazsputnik being at the forefront of mobile satellite service in Russia for more than 40 years offers a full portfolio of communications and navigation services and products for maritime, land and aviation markets including mobile satellite communications services for all kind of transport vehicles. Being a part of the Federal Agency of Marine and River Transport of the Ministry of Russian Federation (Rosmorrechflot) Morsviazsputnikimplements a number of state and national projects.