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2016 July 7   12:00

RF Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov kicks off preparations for SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 (photo)

Preparations for SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 were ceremonially kicked off yesterday at the headquarters of Russian Geographical Society (RGS), reports IAA PortNews correspondent.  The Regatta involving two Russian ports, Sochi and Novorossiysk, will be held under the patronage of Russian President Vladimir Putin. RF Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov, Chairman of the National Organisation Committee (NOC), read out the President’s greetings to participants of Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016. 

Deputy Transport Minister Victor Olersky, head of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot), said at the press conference that the procedure of obtaining Russian visas by SCF Regatta participants has been made easier this year. “Regatta participants will be able a obtain visas either in the last port of call or in Novorossiysk,” he said.

The number of tall ships participating in the Regatta this year will exceed that of 2014. As of today, the seven A class vessels have applied. Victor Olersky says, participation of the training tall ship Kruzenshtern has already been approved by the Federal Fishery Agency of Russia. According to Maxim Sokolov, tall ship Nadezhda has left Vladivostok for the Black Sea to take part in the Regatta.

When summarizing the results of the NOC meeting, Sergey Frank, President and CEO of PAO Sovcomflot,  said that this year Regatta will include a full-featured race between the two Russian ports, Novorossiysk and Sochi.  

According to Sergey Frank, Regatta sponsorship is also of pragmatic character for Sovcomflot. “We are the world’s leading tanker company. We sponsor such events also for pragmatic reasons. This regatta is not only a significant element of the educational process to train cadets of maritime institutions but  it is also the best way to give a message to young people, to urge them dedicate their lives to seas,” said Sergey Frank.

At its website, Russian Geographical Society has announced a competition for young people aged 18 to 22 for participation in the Regatta, said Nikolai Kasimov, First Vice-President of RGS.

 Gwyn Brown, CEO of Sail Training International, told at the press-conference  about the negotiations with the Russian side on a possibility to arrange a TSR regatta in the Far East with the call to port Vladivostok and in the Baltic Sea with the call to Saint-Petersburg.

The International Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 will be held from September 8 till October 4. The largest Tall Ships from 7 countries including Mir, Kruzenshtern and Nadezhda tall ships of Russia will twice cross the Black Sea and visit four ports: Constanta, Novorossiysk, Sochi and Varna.  13 training tall ships (including six A class vessels) will participate in the Regatta. The main missions of Black Sea Regatta 2014 is to widen the interest of youth to the marine education, traditions of sailors, promotion of the healthy way of life, popularization of cruise and yacht tourism, strengthening of good-neighborly relations between countries. About 1,500 young people will take part in the event. 

 According to tradition, the Regatta is taking place under the patronage of the heads of the participating states.  The Regatta is organized by Sail Training International (STI), Russia’s largest shipping company Sovcomflot (Title Sponsor) and non-commercial organisation Sochi Marine Club with Rosmorport as a General Partner. The event is supported by RF Ministry of Transport, Russian Geographical Society and NOVATEK OJSC. 

Title Sponsor – PAO Sovcomflot; General Sponsor – OJSC Transneft ; General Partner – FSUE Rosmorport.

SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2016 will gather the world’s largest tall ships including Russia’s Mir and Nadezhda and A class vessels from Bulgaria, Romania and Poland.
On their route the tall ships and their crews will spend four days at each city participating in the Regatta. Special programme is developed for citizens, tourists, crewmembers and guests including the parade of the participants along the main streets of the host cities, the parade of sail, fireworks, rock-concerts, sport competitions and ceremonial receptions for participants and guests of honour. 

Host ports and races: 
Constanta, Romania: September 8-11,
Race 1: Constanta – Novorossiysk, 410 nautical miles
Novorossiysk, Russia: September 16-19,
Race 2: Novorossiysk – Sochi, 115 nautical miles
Sochi, Russia: September 21-25
Race 3: Сочи-Варна, 520 nautical miles
Varna, Bulgaria: October 1-4.

Sail Training International (STI) is an international not-for-profit organization established in 1956. STI members are 29 national Sail Training organisations around the world.  Its purpose is the development and education of young people through the Sail Training experience, regardless of nationality, culture, religion, gender or social background. This year STI celebrates its 60-year anniversary.

Apart from SCF Black Sea Tall Ships Regatta, STI organises the annual Tall Ships Races and other international Tall Ship sailing events. 

Sail Training is an activity that inspires self-confidence and personal responsibility and promotes an acceptance of others, whatever their social or cultural backgrounds. Those who undertake Sail Training on Tall Ships find it a positive life-changing experience.

The event particularly invites young people keen to experience the adventure activity of sail training and those who are up for the challenge of confronting demanding challenges at sea, both physical and emotional.

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