The Freeport of Riga Authority has implemented all of five recommendations of the State Audit Office in regards of the project “The Krievu Sala Infrastructure Development for Relocation of the Port Operation from the City Center” by improving project process management and control, as well as by developing and improving project management and monitoring tools.
Approval is planned during the next Freeport of Riga Board meeting. With the aim to implement the said recommendations in compliance with the State Audit Office opinion, during the stage of preparation of the necessary paperwork for implementation of the recommendations the Freeport of Riga Authority was guided by the findings of legal and operational audit of the Freeport of Riga Authority, carried out by the international auditor Deloitte, as well as by its recommendations regarding the project management improvement in the subsequent phase of the project. Today information on the implementation of the recommendations has been sent to the State Audit Office.
The existing long-term Action plan for control and monitoring of the project objectives was supplemented by the scheduled main activities of the parties involved and key decision deadlines, definitions and deadlines of the meetings and regular reporting, the planned construction process monitoring instruments, as well as the definitions of the major phases. The approved Action Plan to achieve the project target by 31 December 2018, according to the State Audit Office recommendations was supplemented by performance monitoring activities, enhancing the FPR deadline control in regards of the work, performed by other parties, participating in the project implementation.
With the aim to improve project management and to mitigate potential risks a new Project Management Plan has been developed, defining the project management areas and highlighting the documents, providing control and monitoring tools for each of them. The Project Organigram was designed to increase the capacity of the project, reflecting the planned project management team structure, staff qualifications and functions.
In order to improve the Freeport of Riga Authority’s communication with the project stakeholders, a Project Stakeholder Communication Plan has been developed. In addition to the measures, set out in the Action Plan for the parties, the PSC Plan defines the project stakeholders for the successful completion of the project, the information exchange procedures, modes and frequency.
To improve financial control of the use of funds, the necessity and lawfulness of entering into a Service contract or procurement procedure commencement will have to be justified, providing more details.
The world-standard port infrastructure was built on Krievu Island in the framework of the project - four new deep-water berths, access railway tracks, as well as engineering communications. The Cohesion Fund co-financed construction is completed and the objects were put into operation at the end of the last year, thus providing saving of the allocated funding in the amount of 10.6 million Euros.