A range of maritime security scenarios are being played out in a table top exercise for officials in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau (14-16 November), where participants from Government departments and national agencies, including the Maritime Authority, were focusing on security measures in IMO treaties.
These include SOLAS chapter XI-2 and ISPS Code, to which Guinea-Bissau acceded to last month, as well as the convention covering suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of maritime navigation (SUA treaties), which the country has also ratified, IMO said in its news release.
The event is the 19th table top exercise held in West Africa as part of IMO’s continuing efforts to promote a multi-agency, whole of Government approach to maritime security and maritime law enforcement. The exercise was hosted by the Instituto Marítimo e Portuário da Guiné-Bissau and run by a team of IMO consultants.