Fosmax LNG will soon organize a sales operation to enable all interested companies to access the available capacities at the Fos Cavaou LNG terminal in transparent and non-discriminatory conditions, the company said in its press release.
This process follows the remove of the short term restriction for the sale of these capacities as proposed by CRE in its “ Délibération de la Commission de régulation de l’én ergie du 8 décembre 2016 portant projet de décision sur les tarifs d’utilisation des terminaux méthaniers”.
Fosmax LNG makes available for this sale the sum of the following capacities on an aggregated basis:
• 0,825 bcm/year corresponding to the annual capacity available at the Fos Cavaou LNG terminal;
• 0,175 bcm of annual capacity held by ENGIE and proposed for sale in the framework of its commitments towards the European Commission. The calendar of this sale is the following as of to day :
• 16 th of January 2017 : Information Memorandum publicati on on Fosmax LNG website
• 30 th of January 2017 : start date of Sale
• 20 th of February 2017 : deadline for receipt of qualifi cation requests
• 27 th of February 2017 : deadline for receipt of subscri ption requests
• 3 rd of March 2017 : capacities allocation results This sale, in term of main principles and capacitie s allocation rules, has to be approved by a Decision of the Energy Regulation Commission (Commission de Régulat ion de l’Energie) which is expected by the end of January.