Sakhalin Energy says it loaded crude oil cargo No. 500 to the Governor Farkhutdinov tanker from Prigorodnoye Production Complex on 18 April. The tanker will deliver this cargo to the Japanese Petro-Diamond company, Sakhalin Energy long-term customer, to the port of Yeosu (South Korea).
Sakhalin Energy has been producing oil since 1999. During Phase I, seasonal oil production and offload was performed from the Vityaz Complex, which comprised Molikpaq, the first offshore oil platform in Russia.
When new offshore and onshore assets were commissioned in December 2008, the Company started the year-round production and offloading from Prigorodnoye Port designed specifically for loading vessels with hydrocarbon cargoes.
Prigorodnoye PC receives about 16 thousand tons of oil daily. Two onshore crude oil tanks holding 95 thousand tons each are used for storage. Every five or six days, oil tankers arrive at the Tanker Loading Unit connected with the plant through the subsea pipeline.
Prigorodnoye Port is capable of accepting on the average 60 Aframax oil tankers annually. Due to the developed port infrastructure, each tanker is loaded within 16 hours while the whole port cycle takes 24 hours per vessel.
Oil is delivered to the buyers by three specialized oil tankers – Governor Farkhutdinov, Sakhalin Island, and Aniva Bay –owned by Sovcomflot and time-chartered by Sakhalin Energy. The tankers are equipped with bow loading systems and are 1C ice-rated, which allows them to transport hydrocarbons from Sakhalin safely throughout the year.
Since December 2008 the company has exported 359.9 MMbbl, or 46.2 MMt of oil. Sakhalin Energy mainly exports oil to refineries and power generating companies from Japan, South Korea, and China.