IMO, the organization responsible for seafarer training standards, attended the International Forum on Seafarers' Education, Training & Crewing held in Odessa, Ukraine (19-21 April). IMO's Hiro Yamada participated in the Forum by opening the event, he also gave a lecture and a presentation on IMO and the human element.
From Master to deck hand, seafarers operate increasingly complex and highly technical ships, bringing cargos safely to their destinations every hour of every day, keeping to the schedules, regardless of the conditions they may have to face. Seafarers are at the heart of sustainable and safe shipping. Therefore, proper training is a key component of that success, emphasizes IMO.
The Forum discussed many issues related to seafarers' education, training & crewing, particularly the importance of cadets; the use of simulators; fatigue and human element; effect of e-navigation (digital technology) and possible autonomous ships to shipping; and future amendments to STCW.