Two vessels, the tug Erofey and the trawler Mys Elizavety were detained in the Port of Sovetskaya Gavan, Khabarovsk region. The vessels were detained to enforce payment of accumulated debts in the amount of RUB 1,171,358.27 the vessels operators owe for rescue operation carried out in January 2017.
According to the decree No. 03/2017, July 28, 2017 of Sergei Voloshin, Acting Harbourmaster of the seaport of Sovetskaya Gavan, the vessels are arrested effective 11:00 am (local time) 28 July 2017, pending the payment of the entire sum of money.
The salvage operation was carried out by Rosmorrechflot Morspassluzhba's Spasatel Zaborschikov that assisted two vessels, including the tug "Erofey" (shipowner LLC KIT27) and towed vessel – full-freezing fishing trawler "Mys Elizavety (owner LLC Alcor). The vessels were towed on January 5, 2017 to a safe harbour of the Port of Sovetskaya Gavan.
Since then the cost of salvage operation has not been yet paid. The disbursement account payable by LLC Alcor and LLC KIT27 in the amount of RUB 1,171,358.27.
At the request of Mr. Stepanyuk, General Director of LLC VaninoVneshTrans + the two vessels are to be detained (according to Art. 81, Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation) as from 11:00 am (local time), 28 July 2017.