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2018 March 21   10:50

Claimants and defendants in the case on allision of Delta Pioneer tanker with a pier at Primorsk port come to amicable agreement

The claimants and defendants in the case related to the allision of the Delta Pioneer tanker with a pier at Primorsk port have come to amicable agreement. A joint motion for approval of the agreement was filed by representatives of the defendants (Pontoporos Special Maritime, the ship owner, and Delta Tankers, the tanker operator) and the claimants (Transneft-Port Primorsk LLC and Commercial Sea Port of Primorsk LLC)  at the hearing held by the 13th Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.
According to IAA PortNews correspondent, the documents signed by the claimants and defendants were filed to the Court with both sides insisting on a consent decree and on a release of the vessel.
Lawyers of Rosnefteflot (Rosneft subsidiary), owners of tugboats involved in the case raised an objection to immediate consent decree. The asked the Court to provide them time for developing their own opinion about the proposed agreements.
The Court date was postponed to 23 March 2018.
The value of the amicable agreement was not announced at the hearing. The lawyers rejected to comment adding that the value will be announced after the Court approves the agreement. There is speculation that the value is much less than the earlier claimed RUB 3 billion.
In July 2017, the Arbitrage Court of Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad Region passed a judgment on claiming more than RUB 3 billion from the tanker owner and operator. Having considered it as an overclaiming the defendants challenged the decision of the Arbitrage Court and applied to the 13th Arbitration Court of Appeal. The Court of appeal commissioned an independent expert assessment of the berth repair project documentation following which the claimants applied for making the process non-public.
On 20 November 2016, the Aframax tanker Delta Pioneer (flag of Greece) allided with dolphin No 6 at Berth No 1 in Primorsk port (Leningrad Region). The vessel was maneuvering to the berth when the stern towing line given to the tanker from Rosnefteflot’s towing tug RN Poseidon broke up. According to the State Maritime Rescue and Coordination Center of RF Transport Ministry, the tanker damaged two sections of the berth catwalk. The defendants are Pontoporos Special Maritime, the ship owner, and Delta Tankers, the tanker operator. Greek ship owners are defended by the lawyers of Lex Navicus Concordia and Saveliev, Batanov & Partners (Konstantin Krasnokutsky and Sergei Savelyev). The interests of Transneft are represented by the lawyers of Delcredere Bar Association (Elena Dyomina).

Related links: 

Claimants in the case on allision of Delta Pioneer tanker with a pier at Primorsk port apply for making the process non-public >>>>

Hearings in respect of arresting the tanker which allided with a pier at Primorsk port to be resumed on November 1 >>>>

Experts to assess damage caused by tanker’s allision with Primorsk port’s pier >>>>

From Russia without a ship >>>> 


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