In January-December 2019, Russian seaports handled 840.27 million tonnes, up 2.9% year-on-year, says press center of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
In the reporting period, transshipment of dry bulk cargo totaled 376.03 million tonnes (-3.0%), liquid bulk cargo - 464.24 million tonnes (+8.2%).
Seaports of the Arctic Basin handled 104.82 million tonnes (+13%) including 31.70 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+4.1%) and 73.13 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+17.4%).
Seaports of the Baltic Basin handled 256.44 million tonnes (+4.1%) including 110.19 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+0.4%) and 146.24 imlt of liquid bulk cargo (+7.1%).
Seaports of the Black Sea Basin handled 258.08 million tonnes (-5.2%) including 96.07 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-19.4%) and 162.02 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+5.8%).
Seaports of the Caspian Basin handled 7.40 million tonnes (+53.2%) including 2.79 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+4.2%) and 4.61 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+114.1%).
Seaports of the Far East Basin handled 213.53 million tonnes (+6.5%) including 135.29 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+7.8%) and 78.24 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+4.3%).
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