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2020 January 31   11:08

Port of Oakland Executive Director wants ‘industrial sanctuary’

Calling it “everyone’s Port,” the Port of Oakland’s new leader wants an industrial sanctuary to sustain economic vitality here, the company said in its release. Executive Director Danny Wan delivered his State of the Port address yesterday saying there’s plenty to feel good about. But he asked a sold-out audience of 350 to help him buffer the Port as Oakland develops.

Mr. Wan asked the audience of business and community leaders to declare a need for an industrial sanctuary policy. The objective would be twofold, he said:
 Preserve industrial land use, transportation and infrastructure in and around the Port; and
 Accommodate the transportation, commerce, business and job needs of the region.

“Let’s all declare and explain the need for an industrial sanctuary policy and explore the ways that such a policy will be compatible with local and regional planning efforts,” Mr. Wan implored the audience. “Let your customers and partners, your neighbors and your community know that the Port is for everyone and here to stay for the benefit of all.”

Mr. Wan said nearly 13.5 million passengers flew in and out of the Port’s Oakland International Airport last year. Its seaport handled the equivalent of 2.5 million 20-foot cargo containers. More than 84,000 depended on the Port for their livelihoods. “If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Port of Oakland probably touches your life on a frequency and in ways that would surprise you,” he said.

The Executive Director said the Port and its governing Board would develop a master plan over the next year. He said it would address the Port’s two primary assets: platform and ecosystem.

As for the ecosystem, he said it includes the neighbors, streets and infrastructure surrounding the Port. According to the Executive Director, an industrial sanctuary would be key to preserving its ecosystem.

About the Port of Oakland

The Port of Oakland oversees the Oakland Seaport, Oakland International Airport, and nearly 20 miles of waterfront including Jack London Square. The Port's 5-year strategic plan - Growth with Care - pairs business expansion with community benefits, envisioning more jobs and economic stimulus as the Port grows. Together with its business partners, the Port supports more than 84,000 jobs in Northern California.


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