The principles of Port Community Systems (PCS) are the same for every size of port, however small and medium sized ports may have different drivers and varying levels of financial resources available to implement and operate a PCS – so while the larger ports enable operations through digitalisation, other ports often question where they should start and whether it is appropriate or possible for them to implement a PCS.
IPCSA has created some guidelines to help Small and Medium sized ports on their journey towards the creation on a Port Community System.
These guidelines are part of a series of guidelines IPCSA is developing to provide practical advice, support and guidance on specific aspects of Port Community Systems and Singe Window development, implementation and operation.
IPCSA is the successor to the European Port Community Systems Association (ECPSA) which was launched in June 2011 by six founding members, all European-based Port Community System operators.
IPCSA and its members play a vital role in global trade facilitation; the electronic communications platforms provided by Port Community Systems ensure smooth transport and logistics operations at hundreds of sea ports, airports and inland ports.
EPCSA was originally formed in June 2011 by SOGET, Le Havre, France; MCP, Felixstowe, UK; Portic, Barcelona, Spain; Portbase, Rotterdam and Amsterdam, Netherlands, dbh, Bremen, Germany and DAKOSY, Germany. The reason for forming EPCSA was that Port Community System Operators (PCSOs) did not had a common lobby position at the European Union. The European Commission was, and still is, developing a number of initiatives and directives such as e-customs, e-freight and e-maritime and the leading PCSOs agreed that they needed work toegther in areas of common interest.