Glavgosexpertiza of Russia (General Board of State Expert Review) says it has reviewed the re-submitted updated design documentation and results of engineering surveys for the construction of a facility for transshipment of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) in the Port of Sovetskaya Gavan.
Following the results of the state examination, Glavgosexpertiza issued a positive opinion.
The investment agreement on the construction of an LPG export terminal was signed in December 2019 between Corporation for the Development of the Far East and Remstal OOO. The project is being implemented within the territory of the Free Port in the Sovetsko-Gavansky district of the Khabarovsk Territory. New port facilities are being created for the export of liquefied petroleum gases: propane, butane and propane-butane mixture from the fields of Eastern Siberia and the Far East to the Asia-Pacific region (APR).According to the project documentation, it is planned to build the LPG terminal for export of 1 million tonnes per year. Transshipment of gas raw materials will be performed "tankcar-storage-ship", which provides the reception of liquefied gases from railway tanks, intermediate storage and loading onto sea-going gas carriers and tankers for export.
Railway tracks, an overpass for the discharge of LPGs, scales and a checkpoint will be built at the terminal site. The quay wall includes a pair of marine loading arms to discharge liquefied gases to tankers, a pressure filling metering unit, as well as a transformer substation and a module for the facility security.
The storage complex will have a tank farm for storing LPG under pressure, a control room, a pumping station for loading LGs into tankers and a compressor station for the discharge from a railway rack, emergency and drainage tanks, a flare facility, a technological rack and other production facilities.
In addition, a central control center, a mechanical repair workshop, a laboratory, a fire extinguishing station, an emergency response station, treatment facilities and other necessary auxiliary facilities will be located at the LPG terminal site.
The LPG terminal General designer is Prompribor.