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  3. Admiral Nevelskoy ferry built by Nevsky Shipyard arrives in Korsakov

2021 April 26   16:53

Admiral Nevelskoy ferry built by Nevsky Shipyard arrives in Korsakov

Image source: official Telegram page of Valery Limarenko

The Admiral Nevelskoy ferry, the lead freight and passenger ship of Project PV22, built by Nevsky Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Yard (Nevsky Shipyard, part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) has arrived in the port of Korsakov, Sakhalin Region Governor Valery Limarenko says on the official Telegram page.

The Admiral Nevelskoy will operate on the Korsakov-Kunashir-Shikotan-Iturup-Korsakov route twice a week. As of today, there is only one ship operating on the line – the Igor Farhutdinov built in 1990s.

The first of the PV22 duo Admiral Nevelskoy and the Pavel Leonov, the second one, have been under construction at the Nevsky Shipyard from 2018.  The Pavel Leonov will leave for Sakhalin upon completion of the sea trials.

The PV22 series vessels capacity: 146 passengers, general cargo, including containers with refrigerated cargo and Dangerous Goods (pack): the hold capacity was increased to 895 cbm; 24 containers (including 8 reefer containers) and six automobiles. The ship is suitable for traveling of disabled people, including a special cabin for one or two passengers with disabilities and an accompanying person. The ferry is also outfitted with a cargo crane for handling cargo to non-equipped shore. The new concept offers higher maneuverability and improved icebreaking capabilities as the ship’s design is based on rescue ship of Project MPSV07.
The ferries have RS class: KM Arc4 I AUT1-ICS CONT (deck, cargo hold) DG (pack) Passenger ship.

Key particulars: LOA: 75.00 m; LBP: 69.72 m; Breadth overall: 16.00 m; Breadth: 15.50 m; Depth: 6.70 m; LWL draft: 5, 00 m; Main engines rated power: 2x1800 kW; Cruising speed: 14.0 knots; Crew / seats - 22/28 people.

The ferry was designed by Marine Engineering Bureau-Design-St.Petersburg (MEB-Design-SPb).

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