CMA CGM has announced that its current product intermodal and inland solutions covering Piacenza and Northern Italy area is improving significantly with a third departure a week as of June 2021.
In addition to Piacenza Door delivery, CMA CGM is offering a very competitive solution from/to the dynamic and industrial area of Brescia, Bergamo and Cremona via Piacenza Ramp.
Import Piacenza door is reached from Asia ports: Qingdao in 37 days, Shanghai 32 days, Yantian 27 days and Singapore 22 days via MEX/MEX 2 services. From the USA: New York in 27 days, Norfolk in 24 days via Amerigo service.
Exports within 50 km radius North of Piacenza Ramp are given the opportunity of multiple departures a week. Piacenza Door > Shanghai in 39 days, Bergamo > New York in 19 days, Brescia > Savannah in 24 days.