Specialists of the Training Center have conducted some works on simulation of dual-fuel engines operation through application of AVL Simulation Tools of AVL List GmbH. The results of computer-generated simulation demonstrates the specific operation of dual-fuel engines and lets the course participants analyze the key parameters essential for the quality of dual-fuel engines operation. In July 2019, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping and AVL List GmbH signed an agreement on noncommercial use of the software package in the educational process and in the research works conducted in the university. Throughout the time of operation, AVL Simulation Tools software package was used for scientific research with the findings available in scientific publications and PhD thesis. AVL List GmbH is among the leading developers of software for designing of combustion engines with more than 70 years of experience in development of engines and test facilities for them. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping is currently introducing AVL Simulation Tools into the academic programme for cadets.