The cost of services is raised from 1 January 2022
FSUE Rosmorport says it increases the rates of transport security dues in Russian seaports by 6.3% on the average.
The new rates come into effect on 1 January 2022.
Besides, the cost of unregulated types of activities conducted by Rosmorport in seaports is also increased. The rates of services on pilotage and environmental safety is raised by 8.9% and 11.3% accordingly.
Taking into account FAS indexation of regulated types of activities by 6.5%, the cost of Rosmorport services will increase by 7% on the average.
According to the statement, consolidates dues of FSUE Rosmorport will grow by 8.6% in 2021-2022 which does not exceed the consumer price index forecasted at about 12% for the two-year period.