Professional emergency response team of Marine Rescue Service' Sakhalin Branch has completed its accident rescue operations on Chinese ship Xing Yuan (flag Sierra Leone) which ran aground off the coast of Kholmsk in the end of 2021. All oil products have been removed from the ship, Marine Rescue Service posts on its Telegram channel.
It is the ship owner that is to determine the future of the ship.
The team of Marine Rescue Service has returned to their permanent duty station in Korsakov.
On 6 December 2021, Chinese ship Xing Yuan moored in the water area of Kholmsk seaport failed to leave the anchorage amid challenging weather conditions and drifted until it ran aground some 50 miles off the coast of Kholmsk in the Sakhalin Region. The ship was not loaded and numbered 12 crew members, all of Chinese nationality.
Photos from the Marine Rescue Service’ Telegram channel