“Under the leadership of Ants Noot, the company’s current Chairman of the Management Board, Eesti Gaas has undergone a huge development and grown into an international energy company – for a while already Eesti Gaas is no longer only “Eesti”(Estonia) and only “gaas” (gas). My goal will be a further growth in foreign markets, the development of new long-term gas supply chains and increasing the share of renewable energy in our portfolio,” Margus Kaasik noted.
“In the big picture, gas was, is and will remain, but the introduction of LNG will make it more mobile and the production of local fuel biomethane greener. If we add to this the position of the European Commission regarding natural gas as a transition fuel, then along with the increase in energy demand, the use of gas will increase rather than decrease, also in our region, ”said Kaasik.
“Over the past six years, Eesti Gaas has changed from a monopolistic local gas supplier to a modern energy company operating in five markets from Finland to Poland. Today is a good time for a new leader to step in and take the Eesti Gaas Group to the next levels of development, “said Ants Noot.
Ants Noot has managed Eesti Gaas for the last two term as a Chairman of the Management Board since the acquisition of the company by the investment company Infortar in the beginning of 2016. Last year, Eesti Gaas was awarded the title of the most competitive industrial and energy company of the year and the most competitive large company by the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.