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2022 August 4   11:25

RF Government approves plan for NSR development until 2035

Image source: Telegram channel of RF Government
Total financing nears RUB 1.8 trillion

RF Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has signed a plan for the development of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) until 2035. The plan includes over 150 activities including the construction of Utrenny terminal for LNG and gas condensate, oil terminal Sever Bay and coal terminal Yenisey, according to the statement of RF Government.

The plan also foresees the construction of shore based and hydraulic engineering facilities to cater for the Baimsky field, the construction of facilities following handling liquefied natural gas in the Kamchatka Territory and the Murmansk Region, a hub for organization of transit cargo transportation in Vladivostok, a transport and logistic hub in the port of Korsakov on Sakhalin as well as the development of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk transport hubs and construction of bunkering and maintenance bases in Tiksi and Dickson ports.

A separate section is dedicated to the construction of icebreakers including the lead ship of Leader design, the development of shipbuilding and ship repair facilities in the Arctic. The plan also envisages activities on creation of an emergency fleet numbering 46 units and providing emergency rescue centers with helicopters. A satellite fleet is also to be created to ensure hydrometeorological and navigation support of shipping and to assess the climate changes.

Total financing of the planned activities nears RUB 1.8 trillion.

“The key goals of this work is to ensure a reliable and safe transportation of cargoes and goods for the Far North residents as well as to create conditions for implementation of investment projects in the Arctic zone of the country,” reads the statement.

The Northern Sea Route is the shortest water way between the European part of Russia and the Far East. It stretches along the northern coasts of Russia across the seas of the Arctic Ocean (Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukchi seas). The route links the European ports of Russia with the mouths of navigable rivers in Siberia and the Far East. Its length between the Kara Gate and the Provideniya Bay is about 5,600 km.

According to earlier statements, the financing of the plan for the development of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) through 2035 may total around 2 trillion rubles ($34.3 bln) with private investors expected to inject around 15.6 trillion rubles in the development of investment projects forming the cargo base of the Northern Sea Route by 2035, which will ensure an increase in gross product by 28.5 trillion rubles and tax revenues in the amount of 16.3 trillion rubles at all levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation.

Related links:

Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route to be established in Russia>>>>

Cargo traffic on the Northern Sea Route exceeded its plan by 5% >>>>

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