The project foresees dredging at a 40.5-km long section and reconstruction of 1.5-km long dam
Glavgosexpertiza (Russia's Main Department of State Expertise) says it has considered and approved the design and estimate documentation under the project on reconstruction locks NoNo 15 and 16 which foresees the works on dam No 10. General Customer of the works Rostransmodernizatsiya.
The Gorodets hydrosystem on the Volga river is located 442 km from the Rybinsk hydrosystem and 333 km from the Cheboksary hydrosystem.
The project documentation envisages the works on capital dredging at a 40.5-km long section of the fairway and reconstruction of a 1.5-km long dam No 10.
The works will ensure a guaranteed depth of 4 meters for the navigation between Nizhny Novgorod and Gorodets and will increase the capacity of the section from 12 to 32 million tonnes. They will also create conditions for using the Unified Deep-water System of the European part of Russia for international shipping. The works are to be conducted in the framework of the federal project “Development of Seaborne and IWW Transport Infrastructure”.