VTMS will improve radar monitoring in the water area and at the approaches to it
Glavgosexpertiza (Russia's Main Department of State Expertise) says it has considered and approved the design documentation and engineering findings for Phase 1 of the project on construction of vessel traffic management system (VTMS) in the port of Rostov-on-Don. VTMS will improve radar monitoring in the water area and at the approaches to it.
The port of Rostov-on-Don was established in 1750. It is one of the oldest ports in Russia. Rostov-on-Don is the center of foreign trade in the south of the country. Rostov-on-Don was given the status of a seaport in 2010 by RF Government’s order dated 14 July 2010 (No 1160-r).
The project developer – FSUE Rosmorport. General designer – Southern Research and Production Center for Marine Mineral Exploration.