The ship will be handed over to Ob-Irtysh Basin Administration
Yet another survey ship of Project RDB 66.62 has been launched at the facilities of Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant. The ship named Dalnomer equipped with a 3D scanner is the seventh one in the series of eight units with Nefteflt CJSC acting as the general contractor. The statement has been shared by Nefteflot via its social media.
Upon completion of mooring and sea trials, the ship will be delivered to the state customer, Rechvodput, and then handed over to Ob-Irtysh Basin Administration for hydrographic and surveying works in the basin of the Ob river.
The series of survey ships is being built under the federal project “Inland water ways”.
According to earlier reports of IAA PortNews, Nefteflot CJSC signed a contract for construction of eight survey ships of Project RDB 66.62 in November 2020. The contract price – RUB 1.23 billion. The said the series would be completed in 2023.
In 2022-2023, the shipyard built and delivered six survey vessels: Vadim Viktorovsky for Volga-Baltic Administration; Gals for Volga-Don Administration; Vasily Arshinv for Kamvodput Administration; Relyef for Volga Basin Administration; Anatoly Shilov – for Yenisey Basin Administration; Stvor – fort White Sea – Baltic Basin Administration.
The next vessels will be delivered to administrations of Amur, White Sea – Onega basins of Russia’s IWW.
RDB 66.62 design was developed by Rostov based central design bureau “Stapel”. The ships are intended for hydrographic surveys at inland water ways and in water areas of the ports. The ship is equipped with a modern automated complex of high speed and precision allowing for a continuous scanning of the bottom, creation of a 3D-image of the bottom, estimation and control of dredging works in the water area.
Key particulars of the ships: length – 24.31 m; width – 5.76 m; height – 13.40 m; depth – 2.20 m; draft – 0.93 m; main engine capacity – 295 kW; speed -18 km/h; class notation by Russian River Register - «О2,0 (ice20)А». Crew and survey personnel – 7, endurance (fuel) – 4 days.