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  3. Taizhou Zhonghang Shipbuilding delivers 55,000-ton self-propelled deck vessel

2025 January 16   16:22

Taizhou Zhonghang Shipbuilding delivers 55,000-ton self-propelled deck vessel

On January 15, Taizhou Zhonghang Shipbuilding officially named and delivered the 55,000-ton deck vessel “Fan Zhou 8,” which was built for Jiangsu Fanzhou Shipping, according to iMarine.

This vessel is currently the world’s largest multi-purpose self-propelled deck vessel by deadweight capacity. “Fanzhou 8” has a total length of 256 meters and a beam of 51 meters with a maximum load capacity of 58,405.4 tons, a cruising range of up to 16,000 nautical miles, and a maximum speed of over 15 knots (about 27.78 kilometers per hour).

The vessel boasts strong seaworthiness and meets polar regulations, allowing it to navigate through small drifting ice regions. It is applying for the G-ECO and G-EP green ecological and environmentally friendly ship class notations from the classification society.

The vessel incorporates a series of safety, energy-saving, and environmental protection technologies, making it the world’s largest self-propelled deck vessel with the largest carrying capacity and the most powerful comprehensive functions.

The vessel was officially commenced construction on December 25, 2023 and completed on December 25, 2024 as confirmed by the four parties. The vessel can be used for the transportation of offshore oil field jackets and platform modules, large vessel steel structure hulls and sections, nuclear power equipment, integrated modules of mining machinery, port equipment, large chemical equipment sets, and offshore transportation of wind power equipment.


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