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2025 January 26   15:43

ONE's Transatlantic AT4 (AL6) service update provides unique connections to Italy

High profile 2025 Alliance network reshuffles are introducing plenty of connections and partnerships, but major non-alliance services have been no stranger to clever rebranding and improvement efforts across the E/W trade. One of the most notable upcoming partnerships has been ONE joining OCEAN alliance partners CMA CGM, OOCL, and COSCO on the Transatlantic trade. The collaboration for the upcoming AT4 is particularly special as it will also include ZIM and YML as 2 additional non-alliance VSA partners, eeSea reports.

The latest advisory from CMA CGM on January 17 for what they refer to as the AMERIGO service was preceded by ONE'sannouncement on January 13, including details on the new port rotation and the name change of ONE - AL6 to ONE - AT4.

While the flyers for both partners only explicitly label Salerno (IT) as a new call, the updated coverage in Italy is more extensive, as is the addition of a second strategic call to transhipment hub Algeciras. While they also go out of their way to advertise the direct call to Miami, she has been a part of the rotation since Version 5 was instated in December 2018.

The real understated advantage with Miami is that the upcoming service changes will make the CMA - AMERIGO / ONE - AT4 the only service globally to provide direct transit between the ports of Salerno or Vado Ligure to Miami. It will be joining the 2M - MED-ECNA loop 6, which is soon to begin its transition into the standalone MSC - MEDGULF, as one of just two services that directly link any Italian ports to Florida.

Summary of Revamp

ONE changes name from AL6 to AT4
Salerno (added)
Livorno (removed)
La Spezia (added)
Vado Ligure (added)
Barcelona (removed)
Algeciras (2nd call added mid-rotation)
Update to January 17, 2025: CMA CGM to revamp its AMERIGO service connecting the Mediterranean & North America

eeSea Signals

CMA - AMERIGO | COSCO - MENA | HL - AL6 | ONE - AL6 | OOCL - ATM1 | YML - AL6 | ZIM - ZCI - Description and Timeline of Version Changes
CMA - AMERIGO | COSCO - MENA | HL - AL6 | ONE - AL6 | OOCL - ATM1 | YML - AL6 | ZIM - ZCI - New ONE - AT4 Version 14 Proforma
Salerno Inbound/Outbound Calendar
Miami Inbound/Outbound Calendar
Salerno to Miami TrueTransit Options + Reliablility Benchmarking
All ONE Participating Services by Trade, Port, Average Vessel Size - Tableau Permission Required
Italy Global Port Connectivity + Proforma Transit Times - Tableau Permission Required

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