Key figures from Gasum’s 2024 financial review:
Operating profit (EBIT) was EUR 2.2 (2023: 45.1) million, adjusted operating profit (EBIT) was EUR 33.1 (2023: -3.8) million. The Group’s revenue decreased by 8.7 percent to EUR 1,330.8 (2023: 1,456.9) million due to decline in gas market prices. Balance sheet total came to EUR 1,573.6 (31 December 2023: 1,637.9) million. Equity ratio was 34.4 (31 December 2023: 35.6) percent
Key figures from Gasum’s 2024 sustainability report:
Gasum delivered a total of 2.1 terawatt hours (TWh) of biogas to its customers. Total CO2 emissions saving from delivered biogas was 696,000 tons. Gasum’s own biogas production was 768 GWh. Nearly 1 million tons of different types of waste was managed through biogas production.. There was a 25% decrease in total recordable injury frequency (TRIF)