Hapag-Lloyd will launch a new service called WSX in July to serve the growing market between Asia, South and West Africa. The new WSX service has been designed to specifically meet Hapag Lloyd’s existing and future customer requirements for a direct and reliable fixed day service between the two continents. Operating fortnightly, the WSX service will link Asia to South Africa, Ghana, Togo and Nigeria on the following rotation: Shanghai – Ningbo – Xiamen – Shekou – Port Kelang – Durban – Tema – Lome – Lagos – Durban – Port Kelang – Shanghai.
The service will deploy five ships with capacities ranging between 2,000 and 2,500 TEU with adequate reefer plugs. Hapag-Lloyd will deploy one vessel in the service which will be jointly operated with partners China Shipping and Maruba Lines.
The first departure will be from Shanghai on July 15th.