Public hearing on construction of the second turn of oil pipeline “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” (ESPO-2) finished in the Khabarovskiy Territory. Now public organizations and ecologists prepare appeals to the State Duma, regional Duma and the Government of the Khabarovskiy Territory. The regional society of nature preservation reported it to RIA PrimaMedia.“In our appeal to parliamentarians and authorities we will point out questions, which, on our opinion, need to be discussed more,” the organization reported.It is necessary to discuss the way of laying of pipelines across the Amur river, safety of Tungusskoye water field, fire safety of the object, and also definition of ecological risks and compensations.He noted that a part of offers of public organizations joined the minutes of meetings. It will become known later if they are taken into account while constructing the dangerous object.Almost 200 people, a part of them are representatives of local administrations and public organizations, ecologists, took part in public hearings, which were held in six municipal districts.In the middle of June the President of the RF Dmitri MEDVEDEV charged “Transneft” to launch the oil pipeline ESPO without faults in terms or quality.Public hearing on construction of ESPO-2, which is built for delivery of oil to countries of the Asian-Pacific region, was held in the Khabarovskiy Territory from June 17 to 25. The oil pipeline will pass from Skovorodino (the Amur Area) to Kozmino Bay (The Primorsky Territory), in the Khabarovskiy Territory the oil pipeline will pass through 32 water barriers, cross the territory of living of wild animals, agricultural lands, lands of native peoples. Construction of ESPO-2 is to start in the end of 2009.