JMS selected to design research vessel for VIMS
JMS Naval Architects of Mystic, CT was competitively awarded a contract from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science to provide concept through contract-level design, shipyard bid support, and owner’s rep services for VIMS’ next research vessel, the Company said in a press release.
The VIMS research vessel will be used for scientific research in the main stem and tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, and capable of conducting extended science missions in coastal and offshore areas within the Mid-Atlantic region.
The JMS Coastal Research Vessel Series concept-model provides a multi-purpose, efficient and cost-effective platform from which scientists and educators can study coastal oceanic phenomena and explore physical, chemical, biological and geological processes. The design offers flexibility in science outfitting allowing for high utilization and affordable operating day rates. The vessel will be able to easily adapt to evolving scientific research areas such as environmental impact studies, offshore oil & gas exploration surveys, wind energy development surveys, and maintenance of ocean observing systems.
The 80-foot VIMS vessel will be designed for multi-disciplinary coastal-science studies including fish and invertebrate sampling; bottom geological and benthic coring; deployment and retrieval of data buoys; heavy mooring, seismic and bathymetry surveys; mid-water and trawls; CTD and other vertical water-sampling deployments. The hull, propulsion and machinery systems will be designed for quiet operation for acoustic survey work and be equipped with state of-the-art technology with an emphasis on energy efficiency.
JMS specializes in research vessel design and operation. JMS Naval Architects & Salvage Engineers is a specialty maritime engineering firm providing naval architecture, marine engineering, marine surveying, and marine casualty response services to assist ship owners in the management of their fleet.
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science has a three-part mission to conduct interdisciplinary research in coastal ocean and estuarine science, educate students and citizens, and provide advisory service to policy makers, industry, and the public. VIMS provides these services to Virginia, the nation, and the world.