Zaliv Shipyard commenced reconstruction of graving dock and modernization of workshops, the shipyard announced. The docking complex is one of the most important components of the production facilities of Zaliv as far as particularly here the main works on large capacities shipbuilding is concentrated as well as execution of ship-repair orders. And the fact that in the graving dock (length of 364 m, beam 60 m) the removable intermediate bulkhead is available allows to use it as two-chambers one, securing in this case the execution of several independent works.
By the information provided from the department of the chief engineer of the yard, the matter of reconstruction of the graving dock escalated long ago. Surely, the current repair of the crane equipment and the systems of air supply was conducted on the yard regularly, while the matter of repair of main and intermediate bulkheads of the dock, the repair works have not been performed since the moment of commissioning of the dock.
Ultrasonic investigation of thickness of the metal shown that in some areas the wear of construction constituted approximately 60%.
At the present moment the repair works on intermediate bulkhead have been already started: the works on desilting of bulkhead walls, replacement of steel and its painting, the works on repair of pumping equipment of the dock proceed to conclusion. After completion of these works the yard employees will come to the repair of the main bulkhead that will be dismantled with the assistance of the divers to the specially manufactured pontoons and transported to the workshops of the yard wherein the repair works will take place.
Moreover, the works on repair of hot dip galvanizing zone, grinding and painting of pipes have been started on the yard. This set of works has been recommended by the German consulting company IMG, serving as one of the actions aimed for increasing of production efficiency.
It worth mentioning that performance of these works was planned for more than year ago, however, due the large scope of shipbuilding works it was impossible to implement them. Current temporary down time in the yard gives the possibility to the supporting departments to perform required repair-renovation works before the working load of Zaliv will come back to its maximum.
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