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2013 October 10   12:15

Tactical and special exercises at Vostochny Seaport

Vostochny Branch of Rosmorport on October 4, 2013 in conjunction with the FSI "Primorye Region Seaports Administration" held the tactical and special exercises in the water area of the Vostochny Seaport to localize and eliminate the oil spill in the docking area of the FSUE "Rosmorport" Vostochny Branch port fleet, Rosmorport reports. 

Under the exercise scenario on the Argus bilge water removing ship there occurred a conditional spill of oily water onto the deck in a volume of 500 liters, with a hit to the waters of the Vostochny Seaport in the area of the port fleet docking pier in a volume of 100 liters, and in addition, one member of the crew received an open leg fracture in the hip area. 

During the exercises, the employees of the Vostochny branch carried out check of the approved plans of the branch on oil and oil products emergency spill, including the operation of port alert emergency system, practiced in joint actions with the FSI "Primorye Region Seaports Administration", improved their skills on the forces and equipment management to eliminate emergency oil spills during accidents on the port fleet vessels, as well as on providing first medical aid to the nominal victims. 

The exercise involved the following Vostochny Branch port fleet vessels: the MSP-90 sea-propelled scow, the NMS-14 oil skimmer, the Argus bilge water removing ship and the Olympus tow boat. 

At the end of the exercises all the objectives have been successfully met. Crews Port fleet vessels crews and the Vostochny Branch employees confirmed their professionalism and coherence in eliminating of oil and oil products emergency spills.

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